QML MediaPlayer and iOS
Hello, I'm creating qml project on qt creator, qt 5.3. I'm using *.m4v file. When I'm compiling my project to Android it's working perfect, but in my iPhone i'm getting a blackScreen
Video { id: video width: Screen.width height: Screen.height source: '1.m4v' focus: true }
I'm trying to use MediaPlayer, but it is not work... can anyone help me please. Sry for bad ENG ((
AFAIK video playback is not possible in QML for iOS, only in QWidgets.
Because it's not possible to write the video into OpenGL texture. -
Can u give some link or example how to do this with Qwidgets ?
minimal example to play video in C++/QWidget. See "this":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/videooverview.html for further reading.
int main(int argc, char argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QMainWindow w;
QVideoWidget videoWidget = new QVideoWidget;
QMediaPlayer* player = new QMediaPlayer;
return a.exec();
But i think your app is written in QML right?
You would need to switch completely from QML to QWidgets. -
Thank you very much, i will try for switch completely from QML to QWidgets. ((
P.S. It's so moodily ((
but before you switch completely you should run a simple test (like the code i've posted) if it is really working for you.