[ SOLVED ] QML : how to pass javascript function as argument in another function
I have QML code, for example this code
in normal javascript this works cool, but when I use this code in QML the bad thing is visitFun always has type of undefined, and it does not work..
any idea how to make this work ?
If I understood correct you want call JS function from other function, right? If so did you try something like this:
Component.onCompleted: {
}function fn(){ console.log("test function"); } function fn34(fnc) { fnc(); }
Component.onCompleted: {
fn34( function() {
console.log("Test function");
@ -
This is what I already do , if you see the link I post.
but the type of fnc is undefined always !
somehow Its feels like QtQuick does not support javascript well which is not what they say in the documentation
What Qt version you use ? I use Qt 5.4 maybe this is a specific bug
I've use Qt 5.4.
Also I've check code from link which you share in your first post. Are you use self before call function? Could you remove it and call function without self?
If you need to set QML component as a object with function you need to set id of element.
I already did that, I even separated the code in standalone the js file.
but still not work !Do you use Qt 5.4 on windows , mac or linux ? I use it on windows 8.1
this is in the standalone GameHelperJS.js file
function innerTraversal(obj, visitFun){
console.log(typeof visitFun);
if(obj!== self){
}if(hasChilderns(obj)){ var objChilderns = obj.children; for(var i=0 ; i< objChilderns.length ; i++){ innerTraversal(objChilderns[i]); } }
function hasChilderns(obj){
if(typeof obj.children !== 'undefined')
return true;
return false;
}function applyReset(obj){
if(typeof obj.reset === 'function')
}function applyRefresh(obj){
if(typeof obj.refresh === 'function')
and this is in the item I try to call the function with called Game.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
import "Scripts/GameHelperJS.js" as GameJSItem{
id: self;
function refresh(){
}function reset(){ GameJS.innerTraversalWithReset(self,GameJS.applyReset); }
@assume this in the main.qml
import QtQuick 2.2ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 1024
height: 600
title: qsTr("Hello World")
color: "#FF000000"Game{ id: gameId; anchors.fill : parent; Rectangle{ id: clickToRestRectId; color:"blue" width: 100; height:100 MouseArea{ anchors.fill:parent; onClicked:{ gameId.reset(); } } } Rectangle{ function reset(){ console.log("this should work"); } } }
@ -
I've check your code and all works on my Mac OS 10.10 with Qt 5.4. The code which I used:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
import "GameHelperJS.js" as GameJSApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: 640
height: 480
visible: truemenuBar: MenuBar { Menu { title: qsTr("&File") MenuItem { text: qsTr("&Open") onTriggered: { dialog1.show(); } } MenuItem { text: qsTr("E&xit") onTriggered: Qt.quit(); } } } Item{ id: self; function refresh(){ GameJS.innerTraversal(self,GameJS.applyRefresh); } function reset(){ GameJS.innerTraversalWithReset(self,GameJS.applyReset); } } Timer { id: timer running: true repeat: true interval: 1000 property bool flag: false onTriggered: { if(flag === false) { flag = true; self.refresh(); } else { flag = false; self.reset(); } } }
@I've use timer to call function with period. In console log I've got this:
Starting /Volumes/Documents/MyWork/PROJECTS/QtProjects/Local/build-sddd-Desktop_Qt_5_4_0_clang_64bit-Debug/sddd.app/Contents/MacOS/sddd...
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
qml: function
qrc:/main.qml:83: TypeError: Property 'innerTraversalWithReset' of object [object Object] is not a function
qml: function
qrc:/main.qml:83: TypeError: Property 'innerTraversalWithReset' of object [object Object] is not a function
qml: function
qrc:/main.qml:83: TypeError: Property 'innerTraversalWithReset' of object [object Object] is not a function
qml: function
qrc:/main.qml:83: TypeError: Property 'innerTraversalWithReset' of object [object Object] is not a function
qml: function
qrc:/main.qml:83: TypeError: Property 'innerTraversalWithReset' of object [object Object] is not a function
qml: function
qrc:/main.qml:83: TypeError: Property 'innerTraversalWithReset' of object [object Object] is not a function
@As you can see first function (with name innerTraversal) is fire correct and you could see the log message like 'function'.
Also I've checked this code on my virtual machine with Windows 7 and all works fine.
P.S. The second function is not define in your JS.
Thank you, innerTraversalWithReset is just typing error,
anyway it still not work for me, I will remove and install Qt again with hope its will works. I tested this on QML Creator app on android and it does work perfect.which mean my Qt edition has a big problem for some reason.
thank you man, I really appreciate your time and help .
have a nice day !