[SOLVED] How use pathElement in function
I want use pathElement of a Path in a funtion, but I don't find a way to do this.
Here is my code :@import QtQuick 2.4
Canvas {
id: canvas
width: 500; height: 400
contextType: "2d"
transform: Rotation { origin.x: 0; origin.y: height/2; angle: 180; axis { x: 1; y: 0; z: 0 }}signal trace onTrace : { myCurve2.pathElements = [PathCurve { x: 75; y : 75}, PathCurve {x:200; y:150}] } Path { id: myCurve2 startX: 20; startY: 120 pathElements: [ //PathCurve { x: 75; y: 75 }, //PathCurve { x: 200; y: 150 }, //PathCurve { x: 325; y: 25 }, //PathCurve { x: 400; y: 100 } ] } onPaint: { trace() context.strokeStyle = Qt.rgba(0,1,0); context.path = myCurve2; context.stroke(); }
@This use of pathElements does not. Do you know how to do it right? The goal is to be able to create a curve dynamically.
In advance thank you
To clarify, what I want is just to use PathCurve dynamically, ie by creating the curve depusi coordinates calculated in my application.
I find it hard to believe that this is not possible.
AFAIK pathElement requires a list and list does not allow to add/remove objects, so try with var type instead since it allows to add/remove items dynamically.
import QtQuick 2.4Canvas {
id: c
width: 400; height: 200
contextType: "2d"Component { id: comp PathCurve { } } property var paths : [ comp.createObject(c, {"x": 75, "y": 75} ) ] Path { id: myPath startX: 0; startY: 100 pathElements: paths } onPaint: { context.strokeStyle = Qt.rgba(.4,.6,.8); context.path = myPath; context.stroke(); } Component.onCompleted: { paths[paths.length] = comp.createObject(c, {"x": 200, "y": 150} ) myPath.pathElements = paths }
@So you can play with the code in Component.onCompleted to create more objects.
Hope this helps...P.S: Don't forget to "requestPaint()":http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-canvas.html#requestPaint-method to repaint the changes.
The code you propose works well.
Small note as paths is an array JavaScript we could replace:
@paths [paths.length] = comp.createObject (c, {"x" 200, "y": 150})@by
@paths.push (comp.createObject (c, {"x" 200, "y": 150}))@Thank you very much.
Right :) Still adhered to the old style ;)