Qt Creator doesn't open with xrdp
Hi everyone. Qt Creator 3.0.0 works on my machine, but when I log in using xrdp and I try to open Qt Creator, it doesn't open. So I tried to open it from the terminal to see what's really going on and here's what I got:
QXcbConnection: Failed to initialize XRandr
Error: Couldn't find the file "rules/" in include paths
Error: 1 include paths searched:
Error: /usr/shar/X11/xkb
Error: 1 include paths could not be added:
Error: /home/ben/.xkb
Error: Couldn't look up rules '', model 'pc105', layout '?', variation ''
Qt: Failed to compile a keymap
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
LibGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
@I tried this on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.10 and I get the same results. This only happens when I try to open Qt Creator while in an xrdp session, otherwise it works perfectly.
Yeah, it needs the desktop environment and currently in Ubuntu the xrdp server doesn't deliver that on Unity or Gnome. You need to install an alternate desktop, for example the xfce desktop, a good description is "here":http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=5305
Maybe (as the blog post suggests) if enough people complain, 15.04 will fix this... -
I see :-(
There's another alternative, you could use VNC instead of RDP, type "vino-preferences" in Terminal to enable Ubuntu's built-in VNC-server, then download a free viewer from realvnc.com.
(This is how I access my 14.04 Ubuntu server, and Qt Creator works for me that way. However there's a "Vino encryption bug":https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/1281250 workaround is to enter "dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/remote-access/require-encryption false" in Terminal.)