[Solved] Drag item within QTableView
Hi Folks,
I would like to implement a well usable drag functionality for rearranging item order within my QTableView. I'm using QStandardItemModel. I changed the following properties of the table in the UI designer of QtCreator:
- dragEnabled -> true
- dragDropOverwriteMode ->false
- dragDropMode -> internalMove
but there are two issue:
- If the user drag an item within the table, it's allowed to drop it onto the top of another item: item will be lost. How could overwrite prevent?
- I cannot find the proper signal, that I can use to get notification after an drag event. Which signal should I use?
NorbertThe solutuion:
Qt::ItemFlags customItemModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const {
return index.isValid()? (base::flags(index) & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled) : (base::flags(index) | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled);
@and it works as I expect.