Qt v4l2 capture image higher resolution (RPi)
I'm testing the Qt and v4l2 to capture the webcam image. I use" this project":http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/?content=126541
Can I use the higher resolution in v4l2? If I use (modify the code) the higher resolution of 640480 then no preview (in console):
"Warning: driver is sending image at 640x480"
The lower resolutions work fine (640480, 320240, 160120).I would like to use it with Raspberry Pi & 5Mp camera and I would like to capture with 5Mp PNG image and 320*240 camera preview.
Or can I solve this for example in that way?- App run in the 320*240 resolution in preview,
- App calls the "raspistill" for capturing image (PNG 5Mp) ?