Error in building qt code myself
I am trying to make an android application which can print through serial port. Since there is no support of serial port for android platform I need to work around. I found this link which seems promising: "Serial port in android":
This says rebuild the serialport code for my platform: "How to build":
But it shows error when I rebuild the project.!Libraries\Pictures(Libraries\Pictures\build_error.png)!E:\WorkSpaces\Qt\Qt_WidgetApps\AndroidSerialPortTrials\QTCode\qt-qtserialport\src\serialport\qserialport.cpp:45: In file included from E:/WorkSpaces/Qt/Qt_WidgetApps/AndroidSerialPortTrials/QTCode/qt-qtserialport/src/serialport/qserialport.cpp:45:0:
E:\WorkSpaces\Qt\Qt_WidgetApps\AndroidSerialPortTrials\QTCode\qt-qtserialport\src\serialport\qserialport.h:48: error: QtSerialPort/qserialportglobal.h: No such file or directory
#include <QtSerialPort/qserialportglobal.h>
^Can anyone tell how to resolve this?
which version of Qt you are using ? This file qserialportglobal.h may there somewhere and may not be in path. Just check that. I had similar issue sometime back while compiling for desktop.
I'm using 5.3 version
Yes, the problem is there is no QtSerialPort folder itself in android path.
C:\Qt\Qt5.3.0\5.3\android_armv7\include ==> no QtSerialPort folderIs it ok if I copy and paste it from
C:\Qt\Qt5.3.0\5.3\mingw482_32\include\QtSerialPortI copied and build... Need to verify now :) thanks