[Solved] QML delegate Component for TableColumnView
I have following code. The commented line works well enough as a delegate, but when I try to make a component as a delegate I get errors (line below the commented one. Is there any way to pass on parameters to a delegate? I tried using projName instead of "something", but that gave a reference error.
Best regards and thanks
@Rectangle {
ListModel {
id: permissionsModel
Component.onCompleted: {
append({"projName": qsTr("Main Project"), "folder": true, "permissions_version": "2.0", "guest": true, "regular": false, "contractor": true, "service": true})
append({"projName": qsTr("Databases"), "folder": false, "permissions_version": "2.0", "guest": false, "regular": true, "contractor": false, "service": false})
append({"projName": qsTr("Libraries"), "folder": false, "permissions_version": "2.0", "guest": true, "regular": false, "contractor": true, "service": false})
}Component { id: projNameDelegate Rectangle { width: parent.width; height: 50 border {color: "#9EDDF2"; width: 2} Text{ anchors.centerIn: parent text: "something" color: "#FF0000" } } } TableView { id: permissionsTable alternatingRowColors: true model: permissionsModel
// TableViewColumn {role: "projName"; title: "Name" ; width: 134; delegate: Component {Rectangle{border {color: "#9EDDF2"; width: 2} Text {text: styleData.value; color: "#FF0000"}}}}
TableViewColumn {role: "projName"; title: "Name" ; width: 134; delegate: projNameDelegate {Rectangle{Text {text: styleData.value}}}}
TableViewColumn {role: "permissions_version"; title: "Version" ; width: 67}
TableViewColumn {role: "guest" ; title: "Guest" ; width: 67; delegate: CheckBox{checked: styleData.value}}
TableViewColumn {role: "regular" ; title: "Regular" ; width: 67; delegate: CheckBox{checked: styleData.value}}
TableViewColumn {role: "contractor" ; title: "Contractor" ; width: 67; delegate: CheckBox{checked: styleData.value}}
TableViewColumn {role: "service" ; title: "Service" ; width: 67; delegate: CheckBox{checked: styleData.value}}
x: 0
y: 0
width: 540
height: 100
}@ -
I needed some experimenting, but I got it.
I made a qml-file
@// ProjectNameDelegate.qmlimport QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
width: parent.width; height: 50
border {color: "#9EDDF2"; width: 2}
id: projectNameDelegate
anchors.centerIn: parent
color: "#FF0000"
@And made the call
@TableViewColumn {role: "projectName"; title: "Name" ; width: 134; delegate: ProjectNameDelegate{Text{text: styleData.value}}}@