Dynamic change text direction
Hello All,
I write multi languages app, and get a little issue with text direction, when user check Arabic language (where direction right to left) text written in English not change direction, i can't imagine why... i try to set a LayoutDirection.Enable to true, it's not give a result. but if i close the app, and open it again, the direction of text will be correct. Why it's that? Any ideas? -
According to "this":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qtquick-positioning-righttoleft.html#text-alignment it should be automatically be done.
Following example works in Qt 5.3.1
Text {
id: mytext
anchors.fill: parent
text: "Qt is Cool"
}Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
text: "Arabic"
onClicked: mytext.text = "مثال صغير"
}Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
text: "English"
onClicked: mytext.text = "Qt is Cool"
@ -
yes, but i have a some text at Arabic and at English (mixed), for example lable "Name" write at Arabic, and TextInput contains name in English. Arabic text align correct (to right side), but English text align to left side, it's not correct (to vision of Arabic)
Do you mean like this:
onClicked: mytext.text = "مثال صغير; Qt is Cool"
i mean like this:
@Text {
text: "مثال صغير;"
TextInput {
text: "Qt is Cool"
}@ -
So you can do this:
TextInput {
width: 200
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
text: "Qt is Cool"
@to align it to right.
yes, but when user change language to english for example, in element "Text" will be english text, not Arabic, and i should to set alignment of TextInput to LeftToRight
bq. yes, but when user change language to english for example, in element “Text” will be english text, not Arabic, and i should to set alignment of TextInput to LeftToRight
Since your requirements need to override the default behavior for alignment of Text and TextInput you will have to change the alignments again. May be you can bind the horizontalAlignment property to the language chosen and accordingly set the required alignment.
i try to do that, when i set a new value of language direction is not chenged. but if i close and open agein app, then direction will be changed.
Can you post the relevant code where it shows the binding to horizontalAlignment ?