[SOLVED]How retrive Data from QList< QPair<QString, QString> > tokens = getTokenUrl.queryItems(); and Copy to QString
i have written a webserver program in Qt using Qhttp, where in a form the user will enter the data in textboxes and submit it, as per the below program i am receiving each text box data in "QList< QPair<QString, QString> > tokens" term, and on using QMultimap (suggested by another forum thread) used it, but i can only access the one text box data only. Now i requite the entire data to be copied to QString of the specific as shown in below Code
@ QUrl getTokenUrl(req->url());QList< QPair<QString, QString> > tokens = getTokenUrl.queryItems(); qDebug() << "tokens size"<< tokens.size(); qDebug() <<"tokens data"<< tokens; QMultiMap<QString, QString> queryParams1; QPair<QString, QString> tokenPair1; foreach (tokenPair1, tokens) { queryParams1.insert(tokenPair1.first.trimmed(), tokenPair1.second.trimmed()); } qDebug() <<"data2"<<queryParams1; QString user =tokenPair1.first; QString userdata =tokenPair1.second;
// QString password =tokenPair2.first;
// QString passworddata =tokenPair2.second;qDebug() <<"user"<< user; qDebug() <<"userdata"<< userdata;
// qDebug() <<"password"<< password;
// qDebug() <<"passworddata"<< passworddata;resp->setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"); resp->writeHead(200); resp->write("<html><head><title>Greeting App</title></head><body>"); resp->write("<form name=\"input\" action=\"\" method=\"GET\">"); resp->write("Username: <input type=\"text\" name=\"user\"><br>"); resp->write("Password: <input type=\"text\" name=\"password\"><br>"); resp->write("date: <input type=\"text\" name=\"date\"><br><br>"); resp->write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\">"); resp->write("</form>"); resp->write("</body></html>"); resp->end();@
Current Result:*
tokens size 3
tokens data (QPair("user","1") , QPair("password","2") , QPair("date","3") )
data2 QMap(("date", "3")("password", "2")("user", "1"))
user "date"
userdata "3" -
Not quite clear on what output you require. Let me try answering. It is a QList with QPair. I feel you can iterate over the QList and get each QPair Item. From each Pair Item you construct whatever the QString you require.
Hi Dheerendra
can u please provide sample code how to iterate through QList and get each Qpair item. and save it in another QString or QByteArray.
My requirement is i am getting the text box data from the form on submit button is clicked through html code into QList< Qpair <QString,QString> >, and i can watch it on terminal, now i want to analyze the data and transmit over the serial port. For that purpose i have to store the data in a another QString. Pls Guid for this
Try this.
@ QList<QPair<QString, QString> > list;
list.append(qMakePair(QString("PthinkS"),QString("Bengaluru"))); list.append(qMakePair(QString("PthinkS"),QString("India"))); list.append(qMakePair(QString("Dheeru"),QString("Bengaluru"))); qDebug() << "List Count "<<list.count(); for (int i=0;i<list.count();i++){ QPair<QString, QString> pair = list.at(i); qDebug() << pair.first << " " << pair.second; }@
Thank you got the values into the QString as per the below code, can u please suggest is it the right way of implementation, pls provide your email id or telephone number for communication i am very much interested in learning Qt--
@QString user;
QString userdata;
QString password;
QString passworddata;
QString date;
QString datedata;QList<QPair<QString, QString> > list= getTokenUrl.queryItems();;
qDebug() << "List Count "<<list.count(); for (int i=0;i<list.count();i++){ QPair<QString, QString> pair = list.at(i); if(i==0) { qDebug() << "i=0 came"; user =pair.first; userdata =pair.second; } if(i==1) { qDebug() << "i=1 came"; password =pair.first; passworddata =pair.second; } if(i==2) { qDebug() << "i=2 came"; date =pair.first; datedata =pair.second; } qDebug() << pair.first << " " << pair.second; } qDebug() <<"user"<< user; qDebug() <<"userdata"<< userdata; qDebug() <<"password"<< password; qDebug() <<"passworddata"<< passworddata; qDebug() << "Date"<< date; qDebug() << "DateDate"<<datedata;@@@
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