Calling anonymous QML functions from C++
I found out, that you can call QML functions from C++ using
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(object, "myQmlFunction",
Q_RETURN_ARG(QVariant, returnedValue),
Q_ARG(QVariant, msg));
But that does not work with anonymous QML functions that are passed as an argument to a C++ function, because it has no name.
There is an idea as a workaround "found in a mailing list": that uses signals to make this work.
I think this is somewhat cumbersome and I'd like to make the QML developer be able to use "the natural way".Is there any possibility to solve this issue without signals?
EDIT: spelling
As of Qt 5.0, it is possible to solve this with "QJSValue": .
C++ :
@class Foo : public QObject
Q_OBJECTpublic : Q_INVOKABLE void bar(QJSValue function) { << 42); }
QML : {
console.log('returned ', result, ' from c++')
})@will output 'returned 42 from c++'
You can also do all sorts of checks on the object passed to the c++ function. In this case, you might want to call "isCallable" to make sure the object is a function.
Thank you for your answer.
What if I want to call this function asynchronously?
I tried to call this function asynchronously in C++, but it failed.