Module location transparency, flawed ?
I've got the following files hierarchy somewhere:
@and in myLoader.qml, i've got the following code
import Qt 4.7Item {
property alias loadComponent: loader.sourceComponent
Loader {
id: loader
@I set the QT_MPORT_PATH and when I try something like this:
import Qt 4.7
import mysdk.mywidgets 1.0
import 1.0item {
MyLoader {
loadComponent: Widget1
@It does not work! the Widget1 is not resolved. The only solution is to use a "../widget1.qml" kind of url and that's exactly what i do not want.
Is there a way to do this or is this limitation is wanted/known/featured ?--
Try uppercase for the first letter of your component. QML is case sensitive, even wrt. filenames used.