Need help with Qt 4.8.6 build string
configure -release -opensource -confirm-license -static -no-sql-sqlite -no-qt3support -no-opengl -qt-zlib -no-gif -qt-libpng -qt-libmng -no-libtiff -qt-libjpeg -no-dsp -no-vcproj -no-openssl -no-dbus -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-webkit -no-script -no-scripttools -no-declarative -no-declarative-debug -no-style-plastique -no-style-cleanlooks -no-style-motif -no-style-cde -nomake demos -nomake examples
Is the original string, you will notice that there is -no-webkit in there but I want webkit, so I changed that tag to -webkit
It configured, I ran mingw32-make and it started to build, went for about an hour and failed, saying it could not find -ljscore and -lwebcore
My guess is another tag in there is blocking webkit, could anyone help me out with what it is? I want as many of those tags as possible but have webkit support, that is the goal.
Remove -no-script, -no-scripttools, -webkit
[quote author="sierdzio" date="1406182321"]Remove -no-script, -no-scripttools, -webkit[/quote]
Hey there sorry I onty just saw this! Thanks so much, I will try that now, I took out -static but that broke the apllication in some ways. It still ran, but it would have runtime errrors and crash under certain circumstances. I was going to try something as you suggest, but the build time is so long it put me off trying again.
But now I am raring to give it another bash! :)
Thanks again, I will update if it works for me.
EDIT: So I just ran configure, removing the 2 script tags and I removed -no-webkit and didn't add -webkit (which is what I took from your comment), the readout afterwards does notice that it is static now it lists it, but it also lists webkit = no
Did I misunderstand? Should I include -webkit?
You can speed up build time using -j option passed to mingw32-make.
Yeah I tried that once on my quad core, I put -j4 but it kinda froze the build, but just thinking now that may have been because that is a linux tag XD... So confusing switching between the 2 all the time lol
And to be fair the one I am building on now is just a dual core, it actually took an hour and 45 minutes
Should I try it with -j2? Or is that not the right way to do it?
I usually set it to number of cores + 1, so in my case:
make -j 9
@It takes about 20 minutes to build Qt 5 this way. I do not know whether that switch works on Windows, I am working almost exclusively on Linux. I think there is Jom available on Windows, but maybe it's only for MSVC... not sure.
Also... I am wondering on peoples opinion... The plan is to have webkit inside a digital currency wallet... Is this a bad idea full stop?
Is there a way to make it secure?
We were thinking, only parse html, all website connected using php/html...
Or even hardcoding ssl certs for certain other websites of choice...
Just thoughts really, we may not even go ahead with it but would be nice to hear the opinions of some experts.
[quote author="sierdzio" date="1406205067"]I usually set it to number of cores + 1, so in my case:
make -j 9
@It takes about 20 minutes to build Qt 5 this way. I do not know whether that switch works on Windows, I am working almost exclusively on Linux. I think there is Jom available on Windows, but maybe it's only for MSVC... not sure.[/quote]
Ahhh my bad, maybe I need the space... And sorry, not sure you saw my edit in the previous comment, did you mean for me to not add -webkit? Cos when I have configured it says webkit = no in the readout.
Maybe that is okay and right but just wanna make sure before making a 2 hour mistake XD
I configured again deleting the 2 no script tags and added deleted the -no from -no-webkit and it nows says webkit support....... yes
So I guess that is what I need right? It didn't give any warnings as before so looks good to go.
Built it with -webkit failed, tried without and it did build, so to clarify had neither of these...
-no-webkit -webkit
I took out the 2 script ones too...
When I build the application I am doing I get this at the end
n/ld.exe: cannot find -lQtWebKitI think it is the static linking, it says it will disable plugins... Or do I need to tell it where this is or something?Thanks