QImage->setPixel is going beyond the range.
I am dividing the screen based on the height. Calculating the midpoint. If the y value is less than midpoint I am setting the pixcel to one color and if it is greater setting it to a different color. But the few pixels beyond the half point are set with first color. Please suggest.
@int setImagePixcels(float &pX1,float &pY1,float &pX2,float &pY2)
{int lValue = 0 ,pixelValY2=0, pixelValY1=0, pixelValX1=0, pixelValX2=0 ;
int width= 0, height=0 , maxY=0,maxX=0,startx=0,starty=0;
FILE *myFile=NULL;
QRgb rgblo;pixelValX1= vPlotXY->getPixelXFromValueX(pX1); //px1 is x1
pixelValX2= vPlotXY->getPixelXFromValueX(pX2); // px2 is x2startx = vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[LEFT]; //Starting point of x
starty = vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[TOP]; //starting point of ypixelValY1= vPlotXY->getPixelYFromValueY(pY1); //py1 is y1
pixelValY2= vPlotXY->getPixelYFromValueY(pY2); //py2 is y2width = (vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[RIGHT]-vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[LEFT]); //width of the screen
height =(vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[BOTTOM]-vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[TOP]); //height of the screenfloat slope =(float) (pixelValY2-pixelValY1)/(pixelValX2-pixelValX1);
myFile = fopen("C:\MyLearning\myData.txt","w+");
// cout<<"error"; failure.
}//int dy = (pixelValY2-pixelValY1); // This the delta for y
//int dx = (pixelValX2-pixelValX1); // This the delta for x
maxY = vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[BOTTOM];
maxX = vPlotXY->vAxisPositionInPixels[RIGHT];for(int y= starty;y<maxY;y++)
for(int x= startx;x<maxX;x++)
int midHeight = vPlotXY->getPixelYFromValueY(1500);
//float lineVal = (dyx)-(dxy)+(dx);
//if((lineVal< 0)&& (axisVal[x-startx][y-starty]==0))
vColor = 1;
{vColor = 2;
// axisVal[x-startx][y-starty]=vColor;
switch(vColor) { case GridColor::CYAN: rgblo= qRgb(0,255,255); break; case GridColor::SPRINGGREEN: rgblo= qRgb(0 ,250, 154); break; case GridColor::GREEN: rgblo= qRgb(0 ,205, 102); break; case GridColor::DODERBLUE: rgblo= qRgb(30 ,144 ,255); break; case GridColor::SGI_SALMON: rgblo= qRgb(198, 113, 113); break; case GridColor::SGI_OLIVERDRAB: rgblo= qRgb(142 ,142 ,56); break; case GridColor::SGI_LIGHTBLUE: break; case GridColor::MEDIUMORCHID: rgblo= qRgb(186,85,211); break; case GridColor::YELLOW: rgblo= qRgb(255,255,0); break; case GridColor::MEDIUMPURPLE: rgblo= qRgb(147, 112, 219); break; default: rgblo= qRgb(255 ,255,255); break; } vImage->setPixel(x-startx,y-starty,rgblo); //Image starts from 0,0 and my co-ordinates starts from startx and start y so doing the adujustment.
//fprintf(myFile, "(x=%d, y=%d)=(%d)", x,y,axisVal[x][y]);
fprintf(myFile, "\n");
fclose(myFile);return lValue;