QSqlDatabase problem (QODBC)
I am trying to connect at a database in SQL Server 2008. This last seems to be correctly installed (because I can create database and tables), and in addition, my C# program can connect in a database with success.
So, I've wrote the following lines in Visual C++ Express :
QSqlDatabase sql_test = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");
bool ok = sql_test.open();
QMessageBox::information(this, "Connexion SQL", "Connexion SQL réussite !");
QMessageBox::warning(this, "Connexion SQL", "Connexion SQL échoué !");
QSqlError *checkError= new QSqlError(sql_test.lastError());
QMessageBox::information(this, "", checkError->text());
@There is the result in french :
In english, it is : "data source name not found and no default driver specified"For me, it could be wrong specification that I should give to QSqlDatabase object, but I've tried other solutions like
I didn't have any username and password :sHere is the following lines to connect in C#, just to show that I just needed to specificate Server and database to make it work.
Global.cn.ConnectionString = "Server=SYLRA-PC\SQLEXPRESS;DataBase=quiz_games;Trusted_Connection=yes";
@Double antislash is to escape the first. I tried with only one and the slash, same errors.
Here is how I am connected in SQL Management :
!http://uploads.siteduzero.com/files/297001_298000/297822.png(Here)!Thanks you.
Sylra -
It looks like the ODBC driver is loaded (if I understand the message in French correctly), but the connection string is incorrect. From the documentation:
[quote]Be aware that when connecting to an ODBC datasource you must pass in the name of the ODBC datasource to the QSqlDatabase::setDatabaseName() function rather than the actual database name.[/quote]The documentation is a bit too well-hidden unfortunately. Read all about using QODBC "here":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/sql-driver.html.