How to use ACE (Adaptive Communication Environment) in QtCreator?
I am new to Qt. Would any experienced programmer please help me using ACE with Qt ? Please, show me a sample program kindly.
I can't guess anything from your answer. Would you kindly help me showing an example?
Sorry, it's not clear to me what you mean by ACE (Adaptive Network Environment). If you are talking about some library, then the answers are "yes" and "read here":
I'm not sure which ACE you mean, I only know this "ACE (ADAPTIVE Communication Environment)": which is a framework for inter process communication (Also implements a CORBA orb). If you mean this, I can tell you: YES it's possible, I already did it.
You can use nearly each C++ library (I say nearly as there might be some that do not work with Qt due to some special cases I don't know).
The ACE I know has some very similar features as Qt (sync, OS abstraction) where you should decide, which one to use, but we combined Qt for all except IPC and used ACE/TAO Corba for IPC, that worked like a charm.
Thanx a lot to Volker and Gerolf. I was wrong. It will be The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment that you mean. Great thanks to u.
Hi Gerolf, I'm about to start a project with ACE [] in my Qt project. Due to some 3rd party constraints, I must run this on a windows 7 system (currently using Qt 5.1.1 with bundled MinGW 4.8). Do you know if I need to build the ACE libraries with the bundled MinGW compiler? I don't want to run into ABI incompatibility issues. Thanks!
Looks like the ACE build needs pwd, awk, and other MSYS tools. I've been trying to use a number of different MinGW / MSYS combinations with the 'official' Qt released MinGW compiler collection, and I keep running into issues building ACE. It seems that the 'stock' MinGW/MSYS install from will build ACE, but I need a Qt compatible posix/dwarf mingw build. I tried to point an MSYS install at a Qt compatible 'mingw-builds' toolchain (via MSYS /etc/fstab) but the build fails.
Is there a documented way of putting together a Qt 5.1.1 compatible MinGW/MSYS toolchain for ACE?
It seems that ACE will only compile with a mingw-builds releases with win32 threading model (not posix), dwarf/sjlj exception handling doesn't seem to break the build either way. Looking into ACE configuration options. If anyone has experience with Qt/ACE/mingw32, please chime in. Thanks.