[QBS] Do not called custom Rule from custom Module
Hi all.
I need for my project use the Windows software tracing feature:
For this purpose need to call the "tracewpp.exe" utility with passing a list of project's source files (.cpp) to them,
and then, the "tracewpp.exe" utility will create a set of the (.tmh) header files.So, I trying to create a custom QBS module "modules/wpp/WppModule.qbs":
import qbs 1.0Module {
property string wppTraceModuleHeadersDir: ".tmh/" + product.name
condition: qbs.hostOS.contains('windows') && qbs.targetOS.contains('windows') && qbs.toolchain.contains('msvc')
cpp.includePaths: product.buildDirectory + '/' + wppTraceModuleHeadersDirRule { inputs: ["cpp"] Artifact { fileName: ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "wppTraceModuleHeadersDir") + '/' + input.completeBaseName + ".tmh" fileTags: ["tmh"] } prepare: { var wpp_exe = "c:/Program Files/Windows Kits/8.0/bin/x86/tracewpp.exe"; var wpp_cfg_dir = "c:/Program Files/Windows Kits/8.0/bin/WppConfig/Rev1"; var args = input.fileName; args.push("-cfgdir:" + wpp_cfg_dir); args.push("-odir:" + ModUtils.moduleProperty(product, "wppTraceModuleHeadersDir")); var cmd = new Command(wpp_exe, args); cmd.description = "generating WPP " + output.fileName + " file"; cmd.highlight = "filegen"; return cmd; } }
@and then in my project file I to do:
import qbs.base 1.0DynamicLibrary {
name: "foo"
Depends { name: "wpp" }
files: [
@But in my case this does not work, the command do not called.. What I to do wrong?
Best regards,