Building Qt from Git
Hello All.
I am tryed to build Qt5 from Git
git clone git:// qt5
cd qt5
perl init-repository
unset QTDIR
export PATH="$PWD/qtbase/bin:$PWD/qtrepotools/bin:$PATH"
./configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -no-gtkstyle
@And got error.
@/home/user/qt5/qtbase/qmake/library/qmakebuiltins.cpp: In member function ‘QMakeEvaluator::VisitReturn QMakeEvaluator::evaluateBuiltinConditional(int, const ProKey&, const ProStringList&)’:
/home/user/qt5/qtbase/qmake/library/qmakebuiltins.cpp:1490:98: error: ‘system’ was not declared in this scope
+ QLatin1String(" && ") + == 0);
make: *** [qmakebuiltins.o] Error 1
@Tell me please, what is wrong in my actions?
Please follow "the guide":
Maybe you have checked out the dev branch, where things may fail occasionally.
I followed that guide last time.
There was stable branch.Thank you for attention.
Are you sure you have installed all dependencies?
What OS are you using (I know it's Linux or Mac, please be specific)?
I use Ubuntu 3.10.
Yes, I installed dependencies listed in guide. -
That should be working, then. You may have encountered a bug.
I will try to repeat all sequence and report about result. Thanks a lot.
I tryed, but error is still here
Did you clean your build tree before you tried to start a new build?
I cleared build dirrectory before new build.
I tryed to build Qt on other PC with the same version of Ubuntu and it builded successfully. Obviosly, problem is in concrete enviroment. -
After build I tryed to install Qt and got many errors like:
make[3]: Entering directory/home/user/qt5/qtbase/src/tools/bootstrap' install -m 644 -p "../../../lib/libQt5Bootstrap.a" "/home/user/qt5/qtbase/lib/libQt5Bootstrap.a" install:
../../../lib/libQt5Bootstrap.a' and `/home/user/qt5/qtbase/lib/libQt5Bootstrap.a' are the same file
make[3]: [install_target] Error 1 (ignored)
@please, help me
Developer builds should not be installed, configure explicitly warns against doing that!
Why build is "development" if I took stable branch?
And what i shoud do to use builded Qt? -
I did all like in guide. And guide say
To install, run
make install
@ -
You use -developer-build flag. That implies building with a prefix set to $PWD/qtbase, which does not require installation (once it is build it is also installed).
If the guide advises to install it after doing a developer build, then the guide is wrong. But just to be sure, please run the configure and see what it prints. If installation is not necessary, it will explicitly say so.
You are right. I do not delete " -developer-build" flag. Thank you.
What should I do to use it now with Qt Creator? Qt Creator uses Qt 4.8 now. -
Go to Tools->Preferences->Build & Run->Qt Versions and click "Add", then browse to your qmake binary (it's in <Qt dir>/qtbase/bin). That will add Qt to Qt Creator, but in order to use it, you need to create or modify an existing Kit.
So, go to Kits tab and add a new one: you need to specify the compiler (the one you have used to compile Qt. If you use g++ and clang, they are binary compatible, so you can choose any of them) and your newly added Qt version.
After that, Qt Creator will be fully configured. You can start using that Kit in your projects (open your project, go to Projects pane and add the new Kit).
when I add qmake, message "The default mkspec symlink is broken" appeared in status bar of "Qt Versions" tab. Is it critical?
I have never encountered that. Try if it works.
You have not cleared your Qt directory after erroneously running "make install"? It might have broken some paths. But if it works, you are fine. If it does not, you can try overriding MKSPECS in Qt Creator's Kit settings.
No, it is not works - I can not chose Qt5 build configuration for new project.
There is not "Kits" tab, but there is "Tool chains" tab. And there is "auto-detected" group, which contain GCC 64 and 32 bit.
What is MKSPECS?