[SOLVED] C++ object as property parameter
I come with a question to the integration between C++ and QML. I have read the good
documentation. But I see no solution for my use case.The target is to write a module that display properties (in real a lot of properties) of a C++-Object.
At the moment I use the eval() function and it works:-), but I ask if there is a smarter solution. Here my code.@// MyPropVis.qml
import QtQuick 2.1Column {
id: propCol
property string objNameText { text: eval(propCol.objName+".number") }
Text { text: 2 * eval(propCol.objName+".number") }
Text { text: eval(propCol.objName+".number") * eval(propCol.objName+".number") }
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1Rectangle {
width: 320
height: 200Row {
spacing: 40MyPropVis { objName: "prop1" }
MyPropVis { objName: "prop2" }Button {
text: qsTr("Set 87")
onClicked: { prop1.setnumber(87) }
#ifndef MYPROPS_H
#define MYPROPS_H#include <QObject>
class MyProps : public QObject
Q_OBJECTQ_PROPERTY(quint32 number READ getnumber WRITE setnumber NOTIFY numberChanged)
explicit MyProps(quint32 init, QObject *parent = 0);quint32 getnumber() const { return number; }
void numberChanged();public slots:
void setnumber(quint32 localParameter);private:
quint32 number;
};#endif // MYPROPS_H@
#include "MyProps.h"#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQuickView>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQuickView viewer;MyProps prop1(34);
MyProps prop2(42);viewer.rootContext()->setContextProperty("prop1", &prop1);
viewer.rootContext()->setContextProperty("prop2", &prop2);
return app.exec();
}@Thanks for any hint.
All properties of an object (that derives from QObject) can be read in QML using dot notation.
You do not need to create your special "objName" property: all QML and QObjects have "objectName" property. By default it is empty, but you can choose to set it.
You do not need to pass your objects by string name: QML understands QObject pointers. So, instead of using
property string objName
@you can use:
property var objectPointer
@I think this might help you a bit ;) I've kept the description broad and not detailed because I do not fully understand your use case. Feel free to ask for more info if anything is unclear.