Swipe Gesture with Qt Quick 2.0 and Qt 5.2
Dear all,
I can't find a way to recognize a swipe gesture using Qt Quick 2.2 and Qt 5.2 on a mobile devices (multi-touch screen).
Searching on the forums, I saw various post about the Qt.labs GestureArea but that project is no anymore updated since threes years ago, and it has not been integrated into Qt 5.2
So, what's the alternative ??
Someone has a code to share with the community that recognize a swipe using Qt Quick 2 ??Thanks,
Gianluca. -
what about "MultiPointTouchArea":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-multipointtoucharea.html?
Honestly, I'm looking for something more that just what Item to use.
I know that I have to use a MultiPointTouchArea or a MouseArea ... but how ??
Someone has a bit of code to share ?? or some consideration about how to calculate the velocity of a touch movement ? what it should be a velocity threshold that tipically correspond to a swipe ? how far tipycally a swipe last ?? etc ..Thanks,
Gianluca. -
I get a solution that works in my case, but honestly I don't know how robust it is and how correct is the calculation.
Here the code:
@ MouseArea {
id: globalMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
preventStealing: true
property real velocity: 0.0
property int xStart: 0
property int xPrev: 0
property bool tracing: false
onPressed: {
xStart = mouse.x
xPrev = mouse.x
velocity = 0
tracing = true
onPositionChanged: {
if ( !tracing ) return
var currVel = (mouse.x-xPrev)
velocity = (velocity + currVel)/2.0
xPrev = mouse.x
if ( velocity > 15 && mouse.x > parent.width0.2 ) {
tracing = false
// SWIPE DETECTED !! EMIT SIGNAL or DO your action
onReleased: {
tracing = false
if ( velocity > 15 && mouse.x > parent.width0.2 ) {
// SWIPE DETECTED !! EMIT SIGNAL or DO your action
@The code above detect only the swipe from left to right !!
For detecting swipe from right to left you should change the checks into the if
if ( velocity < 15 && mouse.x < parent.width*0.2 )
And for detecting top-down swipe you should change again the if checking the movement on the Y coordinatesI made various assumption about the swipe gesture that I don't know if they are correct:
the frame rate of UI updates are constant, so the velocity can be expressed as the pixel changes from one frame to another
the velocity of the swipe has to be greater that 15 pixel/frame_update
the minimum length of a swipe is the 20% of the width of the screen
Thanks for your reply, going to try it :)