[Solved] SpinBox with in RowLayout
I add some simple spinbox in a row layout, but the behaviour seems buggy, the spinbox with (implicit width i assume) is broken:
RowLayout {
SpinBox { value: 55 }
SpinBox { decimals: 2 }
SpinBox { minimumValue: 10.2; maximumValue: 10.5; stepSize: 0.01; decimals: 3 }
SpinBox { minimumValue: 0; maximumValue: 100; value: 33; suffix: "%" }
SpinBox { value: 33; enabled: false }
SpinBox { prefix: "prefix"; suffix: "suffix"; value: 22 }Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } }
I get similar results here.
a workaround could be to use a style and set implicitWidth for it yourself.
Anyway, you can check also on "JIRA":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa for a reported bug. In case you cannot find anything reported there yet, please file a bug report.
Please add a link to this thread there and put a tag with the bugreport number here as a tag.
workaround is goodBug reported: