[Solved]Any example of StackView?
Studying StackView but have no idea how to use it.
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1Rectangle {
id: rootwidth: 360 height: 360 Column{ Button{ width: root.width height: root.height / 10 onClicked: { stackView.push({item:Rectangle, properties: {width: root.width, height: root.height}}) } } StackView { id: stackView delegate: StackViewDelegate { function transitionFinished(properties) { properties.exitItem.opacity = 1 } property Component pushTransition: StackViewTransition { PropertyAnimation { target: enterItem property: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 } PropertyAnimation { target: exitItem property: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 } } } } }
Apparently, this wouldn't work
After I click the button, it pop out the error messageError:Could not load: file///someaddress/[object Object]:-1 File not found
How could I push the component into the StackView properly?
I find an example by myself
If you know more examples of StackView, please show me, thanks.