MySQL Driver and Qt 5.2
I have problem with MySQL Driver ! who can help me step by step for install MySQL Driver and using it on Qt.
I don't have more information about this.please help me for create a simple project with MySQL driver.
Of course i want have project without *QMysql *i want just import *Standard MySQL *driver into my project.Now i have Connector C++ 1.1.3 / Connector ODBC 5.2.5 and MySQL Server 5.6 in my C:\Program Files\MySQL location.
My Qt version : Qt5.2 RC (msvc2012_64_opengl)
My OS Information Windows x64 and Linux Ubuntu x64. -
qt 5.2 seems to have own driver already compiled. :) no need for manually compiling it.
but if you want compile it thats help me :