[SOLVED] HelloWorld does not run on android simulator: called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
I have created a new project with QtCreator (Qt Quick 2 build in elements). It compiles but it does not start on the android simulator:
E/libEGL ( 814): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
Every time I open the project, I get the following error:
Could not read qmake configuration file /opt/Qt/5.1.1/android_armv7/mkspecs/android-g++/qmake.conf.
The file readable and writable.
The android simulator itself works well and the application works on a XperiaZ. Now I have read http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/18081
Isn't it possible to test applications on the android simulator?Best regards,
Oliver Heidbüchel. -
You need to enable OpenGL in the emulator. In the emulator settings, select "Use Host GPU" otherwise the emulator does not support any OpenGL calls.
When you do this, support is still broken on some OpenGL drivers. If you are hit by this, the only options are to 1. Build Qt from git, where a work-around for the driver problem has been added, or 2. Run on a device instead.