QtCreator doesn't create .apk file
I'm trying to test a sample code with emulator (AVD). The emulator starts when I click run, but nothing happens. I don't see my app running. I've realised that QtCreator doesn't create the .apk file. Or at least I can't find it.
Any light of what could be the problem?
Developing environment: Ubuntu 13.04 (64-bit), OpenJDK 7, last android SDK and NDK.
I have installed Qt5.1 using the Online installer and I've chosen Android arm & x86 components. -
Hello, ~dmendizabal
Seems that your problem lies in Compilation Output. Actually, creating .apk is a Deploy step of building application, that's why, possibly you have a problem there.
If you show us contents of Compile Output - it's gonna be great
The compile output finish with:
22:55:27: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited normally.
22:55:27: Elapsed time: 00:06.
22:55:48: Please wait, searching for a suitable device for target:android-10.
Error while building/deploying project test51 (kit: Android for arm (GCC 4.7, Qt 5.1.0))
When executing step 'Deploy to Android device' -
[quote author="dmendizabal" date="1374066041"]The compile output finish with:
22:55:27: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited normally.
22:55:27: Elapsed time: 00:06.
22:55:48: Please wait, searching for a suitable device for target:android-10.
Error while building/deploying project test51 (kit: Android for arm (GCC 4.7, Qt 5.1.0))
When executing step 'Deploy to Android device'[/quote]I had the same trouble once. Try to Make Clean project you have, manually remove all build files and 'android' dir, then add AVD in Qt Creator > Settings > Android and try again.
I am having similar problems with Qt 5.2. Won't make an APK. Did efore on 5.1.1 or 5.1.0, can't remember. I have updated all of the Java, SDK, NDK stuff. Here is my output when compiling example analogclock:
Found old folder "android" in source directory. Qt 5.2 does not use that folder by default.
11:40:43: Running steps for project analogclock...
11:40:43: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
11:40:43: Starting: "C:\Qt5\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe"
mingw32-make: Nothing to be done for 'first'.
11:40:45: The process "C:\Qt5\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exited normally.
11:40:45: Removing directory C:\Qt5\5.2.0\mingw48_32\examples\widgets\widgets\build-analogclock-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_8_Qt_5_2_0-Release\android-build
11:40:47: Starting: "C:\Qt5\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" INSTALL_ROOT="C:\Qt5\5.2.0\mingw48_32\examples\widgets\widgets\build-analogclock-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_8_Qt_5_2_0-Release\android-build" install
copy /y "libanalogclock.so" "C:\Qt5\5.2.0\mingw48_32\examples\widgets\widgets\build-analogclock-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_GCC_4_8_Qt_5_2_0-Release\android-build\libs\armeabi-v7a\libanalogclock.so"
1 file(s) copied.
11:40:48: The process "C:\Qt5\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exited normally.
Error while building/deploying project analogclock (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.8, Qt 5.2.0))
When executing step 'Deploy to Android device'
11:42:49: Elapsed time: 02:05. -
Well I have been able to get apk's built. Missing an include in the pro file.
What is really irritating is that I cannot build unless I use that silly simulated android device. I just want Qt to build the apk, I'll take of deploy it to my phone.
Maybe you can post what "include" is missing in .pro
DEPENDPATH = Z:\Android\adt\android-ndk-r9c\sources\cxx-stl\gnu-libstdc++\4.8\include