[SOLVED] How to initialize a bunch of similar comboBoxes at once in a loop?
I am wondering if there is a simple way to initialize combo boxes which are all of the same content at once in a loop using:
@ui->ComboBoxXYZ->addItem("somedescription", someinteger);@
The combo boxes in each line simlpy should contain the same entries.
I am an absolute qt-newbie and would appreciate any hint on this.
Thanks in advance
if you use a nameing schema for your combo boxes, you can use findChildren with QRegularExpression to achieve your result.
For example in my ui are defined several QComboBox named "comboBox_1", "comboBox_2" and so on.
This code
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Widget)
ui->setupUi(this);QList<QComboBox*> combos = findChildren<QComboBox*>( QRegular[removed] "comboBox_.*"));
QStringList comboItems;
comboItems << "Foo" << "Bar";Q_FOREACH (QComboBox* combo, combos) {
add "Foo" and "Bar" to all of themP.S. I don't know why the string QRegularExpression is shown as QRegular[removed]
You can also consider using a layout such as "QGridLayout":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qgridlayout.html and to add the combo boxes using method "addWidget":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qgridlayout.html#addWidget
thank you for your suggestion. It is a very nice solution. I just had to change some little things to deal with the item data. I also changed it to work with QT4.
This is my code now:
@//Fill comboboxes for area and formats with data
QList<QComboBox*> comboBoxesArea = findChildren<QComboBox*>(QRegExp("comboBoxArea_.*")); QList<QComboBox*> comboBoxesFormat = findChildren<QComboBox*>(QRegExp("comboBoxFormat_.*")); QStringList comboItemsArea; QStringList comboItemsFormat; QList<int> comboValuesArea; QList<int> comboValuesFormat; comboItemsArea << " " << "E" << "A" << "M" << "DB" << "Z" << "T" << "IEC_Z" << "IEC_T"; comboItemsFormat << " " << "BOOL" << "BYTE" << "WORD" << "DWORD" << "INT" << "DINT" << "REAL"; comboValuesArea << 0x0 << daveInputs << daveOutputs << daveFlags << daveDB << daveCounter << daveTimer << daveCounter200 << daveTimer200; comboValuesFormat << 0x0 << AnzFormatBool << AnzFormatHexadezimal << AnzFormatHexadezimal << AnzFormatHexadezimal << AnzFormatDezimal << AnzFormatDezimal << AnzFormatGleitpunkt; int areaItemsCount = 0; int formatItemsCount = 0; Q_FOREACH(QComboBox* areaBox,comboBoxesArea) { areaBox->addItems(comboItemsArea); areaBox->itemData(areaItemsCount,comboValuesArea.value(areaItemsCount)); areaItemsCount++; } Q_FOREACH (QComboBox* formatBox,comboBoxesFormat) { formatBox->addItems(comboItemsFormat); formatBox->itemData(formatItemsCount,comboValuesFormat.value(formatItemsCount)); formatItemsCount++; }@