[Solved] Problem with .ui file
Which version of Qt Creator are you running? What operating system are you on? Have you tried running Qt Creator from terminal to catch any error messages?
I am running QT4.8.1 version in Ubuntu 12.04 version.
I am run any qt project From QT creator it does not gives any error but if I want to open ui file it close the qt
and now I run the project from terminal also it does not catch any errors It is run as usualuninstall the qt creator and re- installed but even It is same
I've asked about Qt Creator version, not Qt version. Try installing the newest Qt Creator from Downloads pane.
Yeah, that is very old. Try a newer one, installing precompiled QtC is very easy (compiling it yourself is also very straightforward, to be honest) and it will not break your current setup (you can have numerous QtC installations running in parallel, although usually there is no need for that).
See the big "Downloads" link at the top of this page? Ok here's a "direct link":http://qt-project.org/downloads#qt-creator for you.
There is only one version listed on the downloads page (2.7.1). If you wish 2.8 is in beta currently, for me it is stable.
Yes, standard unix one: make the file executable, then run it.
chmod +x downloadedFile.run
@This can also be done from the GUI, of course.
I am try to install qt by using
chmod +x downloadedFile.run
@downloadFile is qt-linux-opensource-5.0.2-x86-offline.run but its giving me like
sudo: ./qt-linux-opensource-5.0.2-x86-offline.run: command not foundIs there any mistake or what? why it is comming
For installing a programm you should have be a root or handle like a root. Write sudo bash in the shell and entry the root password. Like this:
me@me-laptop:/$sudo bash
[sudo] password for ashegh:
root@me-laptop:/#after this you can write th top commands:
root@me-laptop:/#chmod +x downloadedFile.run
root@me-laptop:/# ./downloadedFile.run -
Qt does not require root permissions.