Qt/Java widget encapsulation
I'm wondering if anyone has tried to encapsulate a java program into a Qt widget? I have a simple Qt project I am working on in order to learn Qt and would like to have a widget that does this encapsulation (specifically NetBeans). I've looked at Qprocess, Qt Jambi and JNI but none of them seem to be able to do the above encapsulation (or perhaps I missed something). The java encapsulation (if it works) would only be a small part of the project so I'd like to keep the end result as self contained as possible (e.g., via tabbed or stacked widgets) rather than spawn a host of interactive programs. Anyone have any experience with such encapsulations which they'd care to share?
AFAIK, what you are describing makes me think of QtJambi, have a look at that project.
Hope it helps
SGaist: Thanks for the reply. I looked at Qt Jambi but unfortunately that project is the inverse of what I am looking for. To quote from "JAVAWORLD":http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-08-2007/jw-08-qtjambi.html "Essentially, Qt Jambi places a Java abstraction layer over Qt's C++ libraries".
In general I want to use the Qt interface, c++, and especially Qt's SIGNAL/SLOT mechanism for most of the program and only want to rely on external programs for things that are not supported by Qt (e.g., accessing all DOM nodes including text nodes in QtWebKit) or for things which I'd have to reinvent (e.g., NetBeans). More specifically, in terms of the latter, how could one create a Qt widget that contains a program like NetBeans?
To understand you right: you want to run a full featured java IDE in a Qt widget ?
I know it sounds ridiculous. Actually I only want the HTML5 part of the IDE but NetBeans is only the prototype for the larger problem. -
On what OS are you working ?
On a related note to QtJambi:
Did you see "this":http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2007/08/24/extremely-interesting-jambi-trick-x-instantiating-java-widgets-from-c/ ? Might be something for you
I'm using windows 7 currently with MinGW. Thanks for the blog reference. Unfortunately none of the blog links are valid but I think it may provide a roadmap to something useful.