QToolbar first item not clickable?
Very very weird issue. I've got code for a GUI I'm working on, and whatever action I add as the first item in the QToolbar is not clickable like usual.
So, when I do this:
//----- Set up the top toolbar
QToolBar* pToolBar = addToolBar("Connections");
pToolBar->setObjectName("ConnectionBar");_pConnectAction = pToolBar->addAction("Connect");
connect(_pConnectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(connectToServer()));
@I get a QAction, which I cannot click, like this:
When I add another QAction in front, like this:
QToolBar* pToolBar = addToolBar("Connections");
pToolBar->setObjectName("ConnectionBar");pToolBar->addAction("foo you");
_pConnectAction = pToolBar->addAction("Connect");
connect(_pConnectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(connectToServer()));
@I get this (notice that now Connect is clickable)
This is running in a QMainWindow subclass constructor.
What have I done wrong?
Why are you passing a string parameter to the addAction method? The method has the following signature:
void addAction(QAction *action);
You should create an action first, then add it to a toolbar. Try something like this:
QAction *deleteAction = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/delete.png"), tr("&Delete"), this);
deleteAction->setStatusTip(tr("Delete item from diagram"));
connect(deleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteItem()));QToolBar *editToolBar = addToolBar(tr("Edit")); editToolBar->addAction(deleteAction);
Um, there is an overloaded version of addAction that makes the QAction for you?
Shouldn't have to make it first, then add it. The overload should work fine, and in fact does so for the second item.
Yep, you're right. Haven't seen it, sorry about that.
This is strange indeed. Which version are you using? I just ran this simple test and it worked perfectly, with Qt 5.0.1 on Linux.
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual ~MainWindow();(...)
private slots:
void testPrintRun();
void testPrintStop();private:
void createToolBars();QToolBar *toolbar; QAction *run; QAction *stop; (...)
void MainWindow::createToolBars()
toolBar = addToolBar(tr("Run toolbar"));
toolBar->setObjectName("run_toolbar");run = toolBar->addAction("runAct"); stop = toolBar->addAction("stopAct"); connect(run, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(testPrintRun())); connect(stop, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(testPrintStop()));
void MainWindow::testPrintRun()
std::cout << "Run action clicked" << std::endl;
}void MainWindow::testPrintStop()
std::cout << "Stop action clicked" << std::endl;