[SOLVED] Add own method into QOCIDriver
Hi all
I am not familiar with C++ and Qt yet
I try to add my own function into QOCIDriver
I add function into qsql_oci.h & qsql_oci.cpp compile dll but
include qsql_oci.h into my project but still can't use my method
can anybody say what I forget?
thank you -
may be the header that you are using is old one. Or You forgot to export the symbol using Q_DECL_EXPORT. Unlike linux, windows shared library need the symbol to be explicitly exported.
thanks for answer
I do not change header just add my own method@class Q_EXPORT_SQLDRIVER_OCI QOCIDriver : public QSqlDriver
friend struct QOCIResultPrivate;
friend class QOCIPrivate;
explicit QOCIDriver(QObject* parent = 0);
QOCIDriver(OCIEnv* env, OCISvcCtx* ctx, QObject* parent = 0);
bool hasFeature(DriverFeature f) const;
bool open(const QString & db,
const QString & user,
const QString & password,
const QString & host,
int port,
const QString& connOpts);
void close();
QSqlResult *createResult() const;
QStringList tables(QSql::TableType) const;
QSqlRecord record(const QString& tablename) const;
QSqlIndex primaryIndex(const QString& tablename) const;
QString formatValue(const QSqlField &field,
bool trimStrings) const;
QVariant handle() const;
QString escapeIdentifier(const QString &identifier, IdentifierType) const;
void * getEnv(); // my function invisible in application that use dll
bool beginTransaction();
bool commitTransaction();
bool rollbackTransaction();private:
QOCIDriverPrivate *d;
};@ -
I add method into
compile and receive fresh dll
after that I add same method into
and try to use it in my applicationbut receive LNK2019
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: bool __thiscall QOCIDriver::breakCurrentSql(void)" (_imp?breakCurrentSql@QOCIDriver@@QAE_NXZ) referenced in function "public: static bool __cdecl PlSqlTools::breakCurrentSql(class QSqlDatabase &,class QString &)" (?breakCurrentSql@PlSqlTools@@SA_NAAVQSqlDatabase@@AAVQString@@@Z)
1>debug\test1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalscan any one help me with this issue
thank you