[solved] Applying stylesheets to HTML tags in QLabel
This is probably a really simple question, but I have not found any text describing this.
I have the following piece of code:
QLabel *label = new QLabel("<h1>Header</h1><p>some text</p>");
@Is it possible to apply a stylesheet to the h1-tag? I've tried
QLabel::h1 {
color: #123456;
@But this does not work.
What is the best way to apply stylesheets to parts of the text inside a QLabel?
I might add that I'm not that experienced in stylesheets, I mostly do embedded programming.
No, style sheets are not supported here. Qt supports a "very limited subset":/doc/qt-4.8/richtext-html-subset.html of HTML outside of the actual webkit classes. -Style sheets are not part of that.- Styles sheets are only supported in a very limited way.
OK, then I'll solve it some other way.
Thanks :)
As Andre says "Qt supports a very limited subset of HTML outside of the actual webkit classes." But you can stil add simple styles in QLabel's html:
@QLabel *label = new QLabel("<h1 style = color:red >Header</h1><p>some text</p>");@ -
That was actually my first solution, but I wanted to place as much of the style-setting in the CSS file. I think I'll split the information into several QLabels instead, and control each label with the stylesheet.