[Solved] OpenType Rendering Issue [OpenType support missing for script]
I'm rewriting a software in Qt using Sinhala Unicode opentype font. I'm getting "OpenType support missing for script" warning sometimes(text display as boxes) and sometimes it work without any error (text also displaying correctly). I tried to embed the font, tested with several different opentype fonts but the result is same. Can anyone enlighten me about this strange error?
I guess, this is a bug. Please let me know, Is this a knowing issue? Anyway I'll submit a bug report.
here is the bug report: "https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30213":https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-30213update 2:
It's been resolved. If any one have similar issue, use version 5.1.0.