[SOLVED] QML list view change item size to fit text
My listview has various item text lengths - it is really a menu so needs the flexibility of re-sizing itself for possible string lengths. This is for visually impaired so flickable does not seen like a sensible option (everything needs to stay still). Wrapping works but that means the 2nd line of text is outside the item. Using paintedHeight/width does not work.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your reply. Could you possibly tell what that would look like in this code please? I cannot get it to work.
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle
//align menu underneath prompts in centre
height: parent.height - prompts.height
width: parent.widthComponent { id: menuEntryDelegate Rectangle { id: wrapper width: menuHolder.width height: 50 state: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "selected" : "notselected" Text //TBD keep text inside box { id: menuEntry font.pointSize: 20 width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: getDisplayString() clip: true }
}Rectangle { id: menuContainer width: 400 height: (50 * 9) anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter ListView { id: menuHolder model: menuModel anchors.fill: parent opacity: 1 header: Rectangle { width: menuHolder.width height: 50 color: "#2A51A3" Text //TBD txt to say inside box { id: header anchors.centerIn: parent text: coreMenu.getMenuTitle() font.pointSize: 20 color: "green" width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } } delegate: menuEntryDelegate focus: true add: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y" } } Keys.onPressed: {
@ -
In wrapper Rectangle set height based on menuEntry height. You might want to center Text inside wrapper, as well set smaller width, specify spacing and etc.
id: wrapper
width: menuHolder.width
height: menuEntry.height * 1.5 + 20 // * 1.5 if you are using spacing I believe default is 1.0
state: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "selected" : "notselected"Text //TBD keep text inside box { id: menuEntry font.pointSize: 20 width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: getDisplayString() clip: true }
I will just share another little trick I learned recently: you might want to have different height and contentHeight on Text element. contentHeight is height of text, height is how much height occupies Text element (usually it is the same but there might be situations where you would like to have height bigger than contentHeight).
Great thanks :-)
Any way to keep the content within the view when you scale? This is for people with visual imparement so it panning must be kept to a minimum. Wrapping occurs when you increase content or font size but not if you scale. Is the only way round that to not use the scaling but calculate everything my self (probably just increasing the font manually)????
(By scaling I mean using myThing.scale)