Problems with showing facebook page in Qml WebView in qt5 for windows
Im trying to show facebook page in my Qt5 WebView using qml. On MacOs everything is fine but on Windows I've got a problem: "SSL handshake failed" I've installed openSSL from 0.9.8y to 1.0.1e but still got a problem. Also I've tried Qt versions: 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 (mingw and visual studio builds)
I cannot use 4.8.* and older Qt version due to some reason.
PS. Sorry for my bad english.
The problems seems to be in openSSL. When I'm performing command openssl s_client -connect it ruins with error: unable to get local issuer certificate
To reproduse bug just open in QML WebView 3.0
Ok, i found the problem and the solution for Qt 4.*.
The idea is to ignore SSL errors, you could find the example here: the only one question is how to implement it in Qt 5.0.1 with QWebKit 3.0