[SOLVED] How to install an application using SQlite under Windows?
Hello, Everyone,
I've written an application that is using QNetwork and QSql, especially the SQlite plugin.
To build the Windows installer I use ClickTeam's Installer Creator. Works fine...!
I put the following files into the Setup:the application's .exe
the application's icon file
qsqlite4.dllInstalled on a machine that never saw a complete Qt installation, the app starts up, does it's work fine, but opening the database file fails. QSqlDatabase::open() returns 'false'!
After I read about plugins (like qsqlite4.dll) need to be stored in a subdir named "plugins" I tried this, but the result is the same.Did I forget any file for the SQL support?
Do I need to build a special directory hirarchy?Thanks a lot in advance for any hint.
Kind regards
Joerg -
You must put qsqlite4.dll in a subfolder as such: plugins/sqldrivers as explained "here":http://doc.qt.digia.com/latest/plugins-howto.html.
Hello, rcari,
thank you, but that didn't work.
I put qsqlite4.dll into %ApplicationDirectory%/plugins/sqldrivers.
All directories have been created in a valid state.In case QSqlDatabase::open() returns false I fed a QMessageBox with the output of QSqlDatabase::lastError(). It simply says "Driver not loaded"...
I can't find the answer to this issue in the article you postet, so I need to ask, if I'd rather put the directory structure of the Qt-Libraries including the plugins/sqldrivers folder into Window's System folder or if there's a system variable to be set to point on the .dll's...?
Sorry, but I'm a bloody beginner in Qt programming...
Actually, you don't need the plugins folder: just put sqlite4.dll in a sqldrivers folder right next to the executable.
This has to do with the "library paths":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qcoreapplication.html#libraryPaths. My bad! -
Hello, rcari,
this works. Thank you so much!!!
Your hint concerning QCoreApplication::libraryPath() is gold worthy!
I confess, I often lose awareness on the doc, but this one should solve quite a lot of problems in the future before they arise.
You made my day!
Once again: Thank you!Regards