Problem with creating dynamic library
Hi everyone. I have to make plugin system for my application. But i'm new to c++ and qt, though have some basic knowledge.
I'm trying to create a plugin and load it in my program by calling
QPluginLoader loader;
if (!loader.load())
qWarning( "This is not Qt plugin or plugin not match out Qt Libraries" );
qDebug() << loader.errorString();
};QObject * qobj = qobject_cast< QObject* >( loader.instance() ); if (qobj) qWarning("its qobject"); ShapeController * controller = qobject_cast<ShapeController* > (qobj); if ( !controller ) { qWarning( "its not ShapeController" ); };
and output is "its qobject. its not ShapeController"
I guess the problem is that i don't use interface, i use a virtual class.
#ifndef SHAPEController_H
#define SHAPEController_H
#include <e:/qt_progects/paint/activatebutton.h>
#include <e:/qt_progects/paint/paintscene.h>class ShapeController: public QObject
virtual void keyPressed (QKeyEvent *e) = 0;
void setScene (PaintScene *scene);
void loseScene ();
bool scribbling;
QString name;
ActivateButton *activateButton;
PaintScene *scene;
public slots:
virtual void mousePressed (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) = 0;
virtual void mouseMoved (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) = 0;
virtual void mouseReleased (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e) = 0;
};Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE( ShapeController,
"com.nort.ShapeController.Interface.version/1.0")#endif // SHAPEController_H
@Interfaces don't suit me well, because that metods - setScene and loseScene, +some fields are same for derived classes, and i need that slots in my pre-definition.
My dll goal is to override that virtual methods
@class PolygonController: public ShapeController
void keyPressed(QKeyEvent *e);
PolygonItem *current;
public slots:
void mousePressed (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e);
void mouseMoved (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e);
void mouseReleased (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *e);
so i can load all my shape controllers (i have line, ellipse, rect, polygon controllers) in run-time from dll's.
The question is what am i doing wrong, maybe there is another way to solve this?
sorry for grammatical mistakes i have made, english is not my native language -
[quote author="Gerolf" date="1350482862"]So you export ShapeController from a dll that is used by the plugin and the main app?[/quote]
ShapeController is already in my main project, and i use him with #include <waytofile/shapecontroller.h> in my dll.[quote author="Gerolf" date="1350482862"] ok, so that is not the problem. Did you debug the whole thing and expand the macros for plugins / checked what loader.instance returned?[/quote]
as i wrote before,
QObject * qobj = qobject_cast< QObject* >( loader.instance() );if (qobj) qWarning("its qobject"); ShapeController * controller = qobject_cast<ShapeController* > (qobj); if ( !controller ) { qWarning( "its not ShapeController" ); };@
output is "its qobject"
and "its not ShapeController"but what do u mean by "expand the macros for plugins"?
i use that macros:
@Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE( ShapeController,"com.nort.ShapeController.Interface.version/1.0")@
@Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2 ( polygoncontroller, PolygonController )@
which need to create correct plugin, and plugin loads correctly from dll, but it inherits only qobject