[Solved] Need help with virtual joystick in QML
I'm want create a joystick like that one:
!http://savepic.su/2739585m.png! !http://savepic.su/2728321m.png!
!http://savepic.su/2713985m.png! !http://savepic.su/2707841m.png!
Look at my code below:
@import QtQuick 2.0Item {
signal pressed(real x, real y)
signal moved(real x, real y)
signal released
id: joystick
width: 160
height: 160
onPressed: console.log("Pressed:", x, y)
onMoved: console.log("Moved:", x, y)
onReleased: console.log("Released")
Image {
id: backgroundImage
anchors.fill: parent
source: "background.png"
Item {
id: finger
width: 26
height: 26
x: 80-13
y: 80-13
Image {
id: fingerImage
anchors.fill: parent
source: "finger.png"
MouseArea {
id: joystickArea
anchors.fill: parent
property int signX: 1
property int signY: 1
PropertyAnimation {
id: returnToOrigin
target: finger
properties: "x,y"
to: 80-13
duration: 100
onPressed: joystick.pressed(joystickArea.mouseX, joystickArea.mouseY)
onPositionChanged: {
if (Math.pow(joystickArea.mouseX-80, 2) + Math.pow(joystickArea.mouseY-80, 2) < Math.pow(80-13, 2)) {
finger.x = joystickArea.mouseX-13
finger.y = joystickArea.mouseY-13
80 - joystickArea.mouseX > 0 ? signX = 1 : signX = -1
80 - joystickArea.mouseY > 0 ? signY = 1 : signY = -1
joystick.moved(-(80+13signX-joystickArea.mouseX)/80, (80+13signY-joystickArea.mouseY)/80)
} else {
// else what?
onReleased: {
I use this images:
!http://savepic.su/2731392m.png!- // else what?
Is anyone can help me?
- // else what?
I'm sorry, my english is bad, so I wanted to write as less as possible words :)
Pictures describe the situation very well: I want to my joystick continued to follow finger, but it remained a small circle inside a large circle.
Now, do you understand? It is a simple geometry, but it is too hard for me. -
How about this?
import QtQuick 1.1Rectangle {
width: 500
height: 500Image { id: joystick property real angle : 0 property real distance : 0 source: "background.png" anchors.centerIn: parent ParallelAnimation { id: returnAnimation NumberAnimation { target: thumb.anchors; property: "horizontalCenterOffset"; to: 0; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.OutSine } NumberAnimation { target: thumb.anchors; property: "verticalCenterOffset"; to: 0; duration: 200; easing.type: Easing.OutSine } } MouseArea { id: mouse property real fingerAngle : Math.atan2(mouseX, mouseY) property int mcx : mouseX - width * 0.5 property int mcy : mouseY - height * 0.5 property bool fingerOutOfBounds : fingerDistance2 < distanceBound2 property real fingerDistance2 : mcx * mcx + mcy * mcy property real distanceBound : width * 0.5 - thumb.width * 0.5 property real distanceBound2 : distanceBound * distanceBound anchors.fill: parent onPressed: returnAnimation.stop() onReleased: returnAnimation.restart() onPositionChanged: { if (fingerOutOfBounds) { thumb.anchors.horizontalCenterOffset = mcx thumb.anchors.verticalCenterOffset = mcy } else { var angle = Math.atan2(mcy, mcx) thumb.anchors.horizontalCenterOffset = Math.cos(angle) * distanceBound thumb.anchors.verticalCenterOffset = Math.sin(angle) * distanceBound } } } Image { id: thumb source: "finger.png" anchors.centerIn: parent } }
@ -
How about this?
Oh what's great! Thank you so much! :)