How to read QSqlQuery data from pointer
Hello guys,
I wrote this code to read data returned from the sql query. Inside the QuerydB fn, data is read correct however in the main, it returns empty. Any idea?
MainForm::MainForm(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainForm){
QString SettingFile = qApp->property("SettingFile").toString(); QString query="SELECT dBpath FROM setting"; QSqlQuery queryop; int r; qDebug() << "queryop& " << &queryop; QuerydB(query,qApp->property("SettingFile").toString(),&queryop,&r);
// Load database Setting file path from dB and check their existance
qDebug() << "length of query is " << r;
qDebug() << "queryop& " << &queryop;
while (
QString Stored_dBPath = queryop.value(0).toString();
Stored_dBPath = Stored_dBPath +qApp->property("SettingFileName").toString();
qDebug()<< "loop" << Stored_dBPath;
bool dBFileExist=QFile::exists(Stored_dBPath);
if (dBFileExist) { ui->logindBList->addItem(Stored_dBPath); }
void MainForm::QuerydB(QString Query, QString dataBaseFile, QSqlQuery *result_p, int numRows)
/ Query: SQL query ex: insert, ... etc
dataBaseFile: filename including path to the database
result: pointer to the QSqlQuery that holds the data
lens: pointer to the number of rows in the output data
*/dataBaseFile = QDir::toNativeSeparators(dataBaseFile); database = new QSqlDatabase(); //set database driver to QSQLITE *database = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); //dbname=qApp->property("SettingFile").toString(); database->setDatabaseName(dataBaseFile); if(!database->open()) { QMessageBox::warning(0,"Error","Couldn't open setting database"); return; } // read data QSqlQuery result (Query);
// result.prepare(Query);
// result.exec ();
int r=0;
qDebug() << "result& " << &result;result_p=&result; while ( { QString Stored_dBPath = result.value(0).toString(); qDebug()<< "fn" << Stored_dBPath; r++; } result.first(); //close database; // QString connname = database->connectionName(); database->close(); database->removeDatabase(dataBaseFile); delete database; *numRows = r; return;