Parameter passing in signals
I was wondering wat the simplest way is to pass parameters with a signal:
if i (using PySide) have something like:
@button0.clicked.connect( #want to call
button1.clicked.connect( #want to call
@def select(self, index):
self.selection = self.selectables[index]
@How do i do that, do i need separate methods select0, select1, etc or is there a more structural way?
In general, the signal and the slot need to have the same signature (except for default parameters in the slot). So you can't just connect a mySignal(void) to a mySlot(int). The more structural way to solve this is using "QSignalMapper": , although that also requires a certain amount of boilerplate. Depending on your particular application it may be easier to have a proxy slot that calls select based on sender(). Something like
button0.clicked.connect(self.intermediary) #want to call
button1.clicked.connect(self.intermediary) #want to call intermediary():
select( sender().id() )
@I confess I'm more of a C++ guy, so I don't know if sender() and id() are the exact method signatures, but I hope you get the idea?
id() was just an example, I don't think that function actually exists in QPushButton... sorry, that was a little unclear on my part :)
If your buttons all have different (and known) names, you could for instance use a dictionary of {"button0name" : 0, "button1name" : 1,...} and do @ select( dictionary[ sender().text() ] ) @
That's kind of an ugly hack though. You probably want to subclass QPushButton and add a getId(void) and setId(int) function to get/set the button id.
For future reference, i solved it somewhat differently, using moritzg's idea:
In python/PySide you can add attributes dynamically to objects, so ..
button0.index = 0
button1.index = 1button0.clicked.connect(self.preselect)
button1.clicked.connect(self.preselect)def preselect(self): select(self, index):
self.selection = self.selectables[index]@
Be carefull with nameclashes, in this case for 'index'.