Qtctreator developers: could you make it more convenient ?
My system is windowsXP, have a visual studio c++6.0 installed on it.
I install qt-sdk-win-opensource-2010.05.exe and cannot complie the examples.
I googled and find out it's the system environment variable problem.
However, could the developers not use the environment and just use the settings in qtcreator?
Or make it intelligent when installing?
Some people have posted this bug, but Nokia don't want to fix it.
You want us spend more time on these boring configurations?Why not learn from other software? -
If you feel strongly about this issue you should comment on the bug in the tracker. Opening another thread here just makes things more complicated to follow up.
You could build your projects in a "Clean environment". That should work independently of your system environment settings (Project mode->Build Settings, very bottom of the page).
I do not think that we can filter your environment in such a way that we catch every (or at least most) ways you can break it for creator:-/