Qt Creator - debug function - exit function
I use the debug mode of QT creator for a C program. I put breakpoints for all exit and "return 0" functions which are the only options to terminate the program. I run the code in the debug mode but the program is always terminating by itself without any error message. Moreover, it does not hit the breakpoints that I added. Is there anyway to see what line/function calls the exit function? or what was the last line that was executed in the program?
Thank you.
Thank you
Sorry that I forgot to write main details.
I am using ubuntu 12.04 and installed Qt SDK (fulll name of the package is: Complete Qt Software Development Kit) by Ubuntu Software Center. Qt creator version is "Qt Creator 2.4.1 Based on Qt 4.8.0 (64 bit)". I use all the default settings in the Qt Creator, I just installed it couple hours ago (I needed to format my pc) but I have been using the Qt Creator before.
Tools > Options > Build & Run > Tool Chains shows GCC (x86 64bit) and GCC (x86 32Bit). I use the debug option on the toolbar of the Qt Creator.
Here is my .pro file
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= qt
CONFIG += thread
CONFIG += debug
SOURCES += main.cI am able to step into the source code. The code works fine for 40 sec, then the program stops by itself without any warning/error signal and it does not stop on the breakpoints that I put for exit functions and return 0; of the main function.
I wonder is there any way to see on the debug properties to see what line/function calls the exit function and what was the executed line on the code?