Resize dialog Solved
In my application i have created a Dialog of size 400X300.After running it .
I have changed the dialog size to 200X100.
But after running the application I am getting the dialog size as 400X300.
I have cleaned and Rebuild the application.I don't know how to fix it.Please healp
check minimimSize of the dialog in property editor. or
You must be calling setMinimumSize(400,300) somewhere
you could be setting a minimum size in your code like sam said but I have had the issue of the ui not updating as well on runtime.
Are you building dynamically? Are you using shadow builds? or are you building the file right in the same directory as the project. This is where my issues arose originally.
Or you could try to compile your ui manually using the Qt command prompt located in the SDK to test it...type this in the command prompt...
cd your/project/directory
uic uifile.ui > ui_uifile.hreplace uifile with the name of the .ui file your wanting to manually recompile and the corresponding header .h
Hi dvez43
Issue solved after manually compiling ui file.
Kindly edit your first post and set the title as [Solved].