Problem With QTest::qSleep()
Inside a loop that is filling a listWidget with potentially millions of items I want to check if a cancel button has been pressed:
@void TextBox::on_fillButton_clicked() {
QStringList lines;
for (int i=0; i < 100000; i++) {
if (i % 1000 == 0) {
if (actionCancelled) {
actionCancelled = false;
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << "line " << i;
lines << ostr.str().c_str();
My hope was that the call to QTest::qWait() would allow the click on the Cancel button to be detected and its slot method called:
@void TextBox::on_cancelButton_clicked() {
actionCancelled = true;
}@But it won't run because QTest::qWait() is implemented using QTest::qSleep(), and it seems to be an undefined reference:
@undefined reference to `QTest::qSleep(int)'@
Looking in qtestcase.h I see that QTest::qSleep() is defined like this:
@Q_TESTLIB_EXPORT void qSleep(int ms);@
Poking around the web I see that QTest::qSleep() is implemented on Windows using its Sleep function, so maybe the association between QTest::qSleep() and the Windows Sleep function is failing to be made, somehow.
So I guess the questions are:
If it's pilot error, what am I doing wrong?
If it's a problem with my installation, how do I fix it?
If I'm approaching this the wrong way, what approach should I take?
"QCoreApplication::processEvents()": is what you are looking for.
If you want to use functionality of the QtTest library you will have to add <code>QT += testlib</code> to your <code>.pro</code> file.