Qt components questions
Hi everyone. I'm starting to inform a little bit about qt components.
From what I read :"Qt Quick provides simple QML Elements that allow you to create fluid uis from scratch without restricting the designers creativity. Nevertheless, there are still open issues to complete the UI development experience in QML. The qt-components project aims to deliver a set of reusable components for Qt Quick that will fill this gap. Note that there are ongoing external efforts to implement UI components for Qt Quick and it's important to provide an official offering to avoid fragmentation."
With other words, I can create my own PushButton using QML Elements, but it will be better to use an official pre-defined PushButton?
I found that qt components depends on meego touch library, may I ask why? aren't qt components build using qml elements? isn't qml cross-platform?
Qt components will be meego specific or they will be used on other platforms? if yes will they look the same as on meego or they'll have the same look as native widgets?I know there are a lot of questions, but I hope someone will answer this, maybe a wiki post :)
[quote author="2beers" date="1288996077"]
With other words, I can create my own PushButton using QML Elements, but it will be better to use an official pre-defined PushButton?
[/quote]Yes, you can create your own PushButton (this is the way to go today). In the future, there will be the option to use the "official" one or keep using yours. Advantages of a "official" component: you won't need to maintain this code by yourself, probably more features, etc.
[quote author="2beers" date="1288996077"]
I found that qt components depends on meego touch library, may I ask why?
[/quote]If you build the MeeGo configuration, yes, it depends on libmeegotouch. However, if you take a look at the Mx components you'll find a set of components with the look & feel of the Mx toolkit without any external dependency. More details are in the README file located in the root of the project.
[quote author="2beers" date="1288996077"]
aren't qt components build using qml elements? isn't qml cross-platform?
Qt components will be meego specific or they will be used on other platforms? if yes will they look the same as on meego or they'll have the same look as native widgets?
[/quote]The components may have a part of code in C++, it is expected. The point is: You are assuming "MeeGo Touch integration == Qt-Components", what is not true. The MeeGo touch integration aims to provide an API to allow the development of applications with QML integrated with MeeGo. It is at the same time an initial implementation of how the general components would be and an example of platform integration.
Remember, Qt-Components is still work in progress, there are plans to separate the repository to make it easier to understand and to make clear the difference between what is Qt Components and what is a platform integration.
(Maybe my answer wasn't clear enough, I'm sleepy...)