STILL unable to deploy/run on Android
Hi all -
I've been having an ongoing issue with using Creator to download and run apps on an Android. (I've posted on them in the past, for example here.
I believe that Creator is set up properly to do this.
I'm trying to follow the accelbubble tutorial but when I try to run (or debug), I get this error:Activity Manager threw the error: Error type 3 Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example/} does not exist.
I remember being told awhile back that the manifest editor wasn't working correctly and should be avoided. Is this still true?
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong that provokes this error?
What version of Qt/ Qt6 are you using, QtActivity was deprecated and is no longer accessible in the later versions
@J-Hilk same error. (I didn't create a new project; instead I re-used the accelbubble example, but I deleted the Android build directory as well as the android directory in the project.) When I create the templates, I do get this error:
And, I'm not changing anything in AndroidManifest.xml, partly because I'd been told this editor was broken (though it may be fixed in Creator 14), and partly because I really don't understand what is supposed to go in here.
@mzimmers said in STILL unable to deploy/run on Android:
I'm not changing anything in AndroidManifest.xml,
and thats exactly the problem,
is referenced in the AndroidManifest, part of the <activity> tagThere's a reason why I suggested a clean new empty project .
Just tried a new project (used the accelbubble example again). When I create the templates, it inserts the problematic QML line:
<activity android:name="" android:configChanges="orientation|uiMode|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|layoutDirection|locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation|mcc|mnc|density" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:screenOrientation="unspecified" android:exported="true">
So, I'm back to the same problem.
I suppose it's too much to hope that I could just delete this line from the XML file...EDIT, yes, that line is necessary.
@mzimmers said in STILL unable to deploy/run on Android:
Just tried a new project (used the accelbubble example again)
my non native speaking brain finds this contradictory ^^
Maybe I'm confusing things as well, your accelbubble link seems more like a guide on how to setup a new empty project instead of one of the pre made examples you get from QtCreator!Anyway, what version of creator are you using ? IIRC the androidmanifest template is part of QtC and not necessarily of the QtLibrary used.
@mzimmers sounds about right.
And I have to apologise, I just created an android project with 14.0.2 and 6.8
The AndroidManifestFile still has the QtActivity reference. But it does compile fine for me despite that!
the android settings I'm using: