error when trying to deploy Android application.
Hi all -
I had to reinstall Qt 6.4.2, and now, when I try to deploy an Android application, I'm getting the following error:
Activity Manager threw the error: Error type 3 Error: Activity class {org.qtproject.example/} does not exist. 08:32:06: "org.qtproject.example" died.
I'm not sure what to make of this -- can someone please enlighten me?
My AndroidManifest.xml file does indeed have an entry for this:
<activity android:name="" android:configChanges="orientation|uiMode|screenLayout|screenSize|smallestScreenSize|layoutDirection|locale|fontScale|keyboard|keyboardHidden|navigation|mcc|mnc|density" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:launchMode="singleTop" android:screenOrientation="landscape" android:exported="true">
Can someone inform me what this error message means?
@piervalli I guess I didn't make it clear that this used to work. It's when I reinstalled Qt that I began encountering this error. I tried to keep good notes on the steps involved in setting this up, but maybe I missed one.
I have separate kits for the emulator and the tablet. The kit for the tablet used to work fine.
@mzimmers the path org.qtproject.example/ seems not right. Is it Do you have a folder: org.qtproject.example? or do you have a customized QtActivity?
@JoeCFD said in error when trying to deploy Android application.:
@mzimmers the path org.qtproject.example/ seems not right. Is it
Honestly, I don't recall where I got any of the contents for my android folder. I think it was all auto-generated for me.
Are you suggesting that I remove the "org.qtproject.example" portion?
Do you have a folder: org.qtproject.example?
or do you have a customized QtActivity?
@mzimmers Make a copy of your AndroidManifest.xml and delete it from your project.
Then create a new one to see if it helps. If you made changes in it, add them in.Better to keep your working code inside git or svn. Then you will have fewer troubles.
@mzimmers Sorry. It seems ok. It is a default package name. I have a different one. But it should not matter. I guess it is something else.
The only thing I can remember is to enable this app run on the settings of tablet. You can try to copy your apk into the tablet and install it to see if it works. I guess you know where it is located.