How to deactivate (or fix) false positive memory leak with CRT (windows, msvc)
I am annoyed with a huge dump of memory leaks detection which I think are likely to be false positive.
In my application, we are using a lots of svg icon on QAction, like this :someaction = new QAction("label", this); someaction->setIcon(QIcon(":PATHTOSVG");
As the QAction is parented to a QObject, the QAction gets deleted by its parent.
Despite the destruction of the QAction, a very large dump of memory leaks is generated after the execution of the application.
Memory leaks tools such as Heob, Wonderleak are listing this kind of setIcon as leaks but I failed to find a workaround.Could anyone indicate a fix or a way to deactivate CRT ( I tried to add _CrtSetDbgFlag ( 0 ); at the very beginning of the main but I still have the annoying dump) ?
I am using Qt6.6.3, MSVC2019 kit.
Thanks for your help. -
If heob shows a leak after program exit, then it means the memory was not (yet) freed at the time when
was called.
It is possible that some memory is freed after ExitProcess, when a DLL is unloaded, but I don't think that's usually true for Qt objects.
parameter of heob can be used to check for leaks after all DLLs were unloaded, maybe it makes a difference in this case (but I doubt it).
IfControl leak recording
is enabled, you can control in the heob console when to start/stop recording memory allocations, and also output all current non-freed memory at any time.