using sdktool to create toolchains
Hi all -
I'm trying to complete the setup of a cross-development system, from a Ubunto host to a Yocto target running on an NXP MXM8P.
I use the sdktool to add the toolchains, but they come up with unknown ABIs. The ABI I use in the command is aarch64-fslc-linux. The complete command looks something like this (adapted from the script):
${SDKTOOL} addTC \ --id "ProjectExplorer.ToolChain.Gcc:${BASEID}.g++" \ --name "G++ (${NAME})" \ --path "$(type -p ${CXX})" \ --abi "${ABI}" \ --language Cxx
Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? The added toolchains are in fact good (I've used them to build a program that runs on the target), so this is just kind of cleanup work, but I'd like to get this fixed.
Thanks for any suggestions...
Mine command for option language uses value 1/2 (respectively for C and C++).
@SebastianM I tried that, and it didn't seem to change anything. I'm wondering whether I need to do something with the abi flavor.
I tried adding this line to my command:
${SDKTOOL} addTC \ --id "ProjectExplorer.ToolChain.Gcc:${BASEID}.gcc" \ --name "GCC (${NAME})" \ --path "$(type -p ${CC})" \ --abi "${ABI}" \ --language C --supportedAbis aarch64-fslc-linux
But that didn't help.
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