VS add in: Error on loading .pri file into existing project
When I try to import a .pri file into an existing project I get the following error message:
Assembly Interop.qmakewrapper1Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null or a dependency hereof is not found.I'm on VS 2005 SP1.
I've opened "QTVSADDINBUG-38":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTVSADDINBUG-38 for this issue, but maybe someone else came across this error or even has a solution...
Because everything else works - we've used Qt with visual studio long before someone even thought about Creator :-) And I'm not sure if Creator setup to use MS VS compilers works as easy as using an otherwise working setup. (no, switching to MinGW is not an option :-) )
Volker: Qt Creator uses MSVC compilers when available and a Qt version build with MSVC is used. You already have .pro-files, so working with Qt Creator should be as easy as opening the top level .pro-file in Qt Creator:-)