Memory Leak in the variables in the UI section of a Qt Widget's application!
General and Desktop
when using Qt Designer to build your form, a bunch of variables are created with new and are never released! Doesn't this constitute a leakage? Example:
class Ui_QtWidgetMinWindowClass { public: QAction *actionOpen; QAction *action_Exit; QWidget *centralWidget; QTableView *tableView; QCheckBox *checkbox; QTableWidget *mainTableWidget; QListWidget *listWidget; QGraphicsView *graphicsView; QtDesignerWidget1 *designerWidget1; QPushButton *pushButton; QLineEdit *lineEdit; QtCustomChart *customChart; QMenuBar *menuBar; QMenu *menuFile; QToolBar *mainToolBar; QStatusBar *statusBar;
Why can't i delete these elements?
@jdent said in Memory Leak in the variables in the UI section of a Qt Widget's application!:
Doesn't this constitute a leakage?
Read this to find out why not : -